ollie was hiding in the korner of the bedroom hoping to look inconspicuous as if he knew sumthing monumental was about to happen. he just got scaredy cattish all of a sudden. poor thing!!

ewok was happy just chilling in the backseat. he was xtremely relaxed for as long as he has a heightened platform to look out at passing karz!! he loves that!! i thought only dogz had a thing for moving vehiklez. anyway ewok getz alittle restless otherwise. happy chappy. such a good boy. i guess all those tripz to the vet have sumhow turned him into a seasoned traveller.

a few hours later...... at a pitstop in geralton: ollie is still all nervez. he spent the entire time snuggly wedged behind the toilet bowl in the bathroom.

it only took ewok 10 minits before hes all komfy & settled in. i am amazed at how adaptable he really is though it does make me wunder if he has the capacity to miss anyone of us when we're away in singapore or working in karratha.
day 2: geralton ----> pilbara

the fuzziez have settled in nicely. no more drama ramas thank heavens!! they're both xtremely curious & intrigued with their neu 'home'..... they've been busy 'investigating' everything around the house & in the barren dry garden. i've been absolutely knackered to snap fotoz of the 2 preciouz onez the first few weekz but have recently been trigger happy. so i will be posting a few more pikturez soon. *have you kuddled your precious pets today?!*
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